• RSPSS - The Rising Star
    We respect every child and young person as an individual, and we aim to give them opportunities to explore
    and realize their potential in the development of academic, sporting, creative and social skills.
  • Rising Star’ Aims
    Provide an independent school education with low fees whilst maintaining a high staff to student ratio
  • Expert Teachers

    Teachers use other formal and informal assessments to ensure that students are making progress within the school year.

  • Quality Education

    RSPSS uses annual assessments provided by different exam practitioners for quality control purposes

  • Life Time Support

    Lent to students both academically as they proceed through some of the most important years of their schooling

  • Scholarship News

    Parent questionnaires are regularly undertaken. Our regularly updated website provides you with access to news

Online Learing

A transition from conventional teaching to online delivery of programs and courses is underway with conventional education system being a skill.

  • Special Education

    RSPSS has designed education to facilitate the learning of individuals who, for a wide variety of reasons, require additional support and adaptive pedagogical methods in order to participate and meet learning objectives in an educational program.

  • Honors classes

    Students normally specialize in a chosen field of study, such as martial arts, performing arts, debates, etc

  • Traditional academies

    The education system in RSPSS is divided into four levels: preschool (for the age from 3 to 5 years), primary (grades one through five), middle (grades six through eight), high (grades nine and ten, leading to the Secondary School Certificate or SSC.

Our Popular Classes

We Are The Best Choice For Your Child

A community of lifelong learners, responsible global citizens, and champions of our own success.

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What Parents Say

Call To Enroll Your Child

Those students shall contact the Student Services Department for further assistance. - A student must be four years old on or before July.

Our Teachers

Chander Chohan
Amrat Garg
Kirpal Das Rathore


The school strives to make communication easy and to respond to your questions in timely fashion.